What is your return policy?
Unfortunately due to the high demand and limited availability all SALES ARE FINAL! We offer refund with 15% restocking fee under certain circumstances
Are your shoes 100% authentic?
All our shoes are 100% authentic from authorized company retailers. We are well known in the sneaker community AND can provide original receipt with most orders upon request. Our Authentication process is very thorough and we protect all of our customers as well as provide FREE Legit Checks in all of our locations.
Don't have a Paypal account?
Paypal is the merchant we use to process payments. you do not need account to purchase of the website, when checking out you will see it say log into Paypal and show where to enter your username and password. But under that it will say "Pay with a debit or credit card" click that link ad it will take you were to check out without having a Paypal account.
Can I track my order ?
Once you place an order you will get a confirmation of shipping date. Once your order ships we will email you tracking number to email address you provided when checking out.
Part of my order is missing
Check product details if one item ships before the order. If not email us for further assistance.
You’ve sent me the wrong items
Check product details to make sure you order the correct product. If not email us for further assistance.
Which methods of payments can I use?
You can pay with a paypal account, or any debit or Credit card.
How do i make sure i order the right size!
Our products run in US sizes, Sizes that are 7.5-15 are Us men sizes and sizes we list 4-7 are GS ( Grade school sizes) We DO NOT CARRY MEN smaller sizes as they fit the similar to the GS & Y sizes EXAMPLE 6MEN fit similar to 6Y GRADE SCHOOL
Is it safe to order online?
We use paypal to hold all your card and personal information, to secure it. This provides a safe environment for both of customer and seller online.
Delivery - How much is it and how long does it take?
We ship USPS priority mail. which is 1-3 days delivery within the USA ($16.99). We have international 5-7days shipping ($59.99)